Monday, June 11, 2012

Action Research and why I would use it.

Action Research.   A word I was completely terrified of.   A word that seems to entail hours upon hours of dreaded research, mountains of books and even more hours away from my family.  As I began to explore the true meaning by reading the texts and articles, as well as asking other administrators what they thought it meant, I became a little more confident.  In my words the definition of Action Research is...............
When an administrator or teacher sees a problem or issue that does not produce the highest expectation of the district and chooses to do something about it, personally.  To pose a question which is clear and concise and then begin to research, collect data and investigate what could change that would solve the problem or guide the researcher(s) to dig even deeper or change directions all together.   I have learned, through reading, that I want to be an avid action researcher and be a role model for all my stakeholders.  Action research is deliberate and systemic.  It is essential to the continued growth of the researcher as well as the campus as a whole.
I want to use what I have learned to begin an action research project on my current campus and the RTI process.  The problem at hand is that this process is not being used effectively or efficiently.   I would like to work with 4th grade teachers in the subject area of Math.  I know I will have a few teachers on that team that will choose to jump into the RTI process with both feet and I also know I will have a few who will choose not to.  I believe this will give me the data I need to prove that this process works, if used correctly and if the teacher takes personal ownership of the process itself.

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